Thursday, November 28, 2013


    • Three passes per week available at 32 branches
    • Excludes Family Day, March Break and all declared statutory holidays                        priorithy branches
    • art museun                                                                                                                          all branches


    The City of Toronto is proud to play a vital role in the cultural life of the city. Committed to the development of arts and culture in the Toronto, the Cultural Services section undertakes a range of responsibilities including:
    • the operation and administration of many museums, historic sites, performing and visual arts centres; financial support for cultural activity and individual artists; encouraging public art projects in both private and public developments; and
    • assisting a wide range of community arts organizations in accessing and sharing municipal services and facilities.
    Central to the mandate of Toronto Cultural Services is:
    • promoting the development of arts, culture and heritage throughout the City;
    • ensuring accessibility to a variety of cultural activities that enhance the cultural attractions of the Toronto Region; and

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